Friday, January 8, 2010

You have achieved sucess if you have lived well

I have been searched for a reason that I cannot work the long hard hours that I so loved to work. Yes, call me crazy but I so loved to work. Engaging people, solving problems, being creative, and even those tasks that everyone avoids I so miss. At the end of each year I sit down and review my written goals from that year. One of the goals is and has always been to do two good things each day for someone. When I was writing my goals for 2010 I decided to make a new goal and make it one of my top five. The goal was simple I thought. I was going to do, two good things for two people I cared about and two good things for strangers daily. I am sharing this with you not to brag but to tell you how hard and how easy this was over the past week. I also want my kids to know. You see I think I might have made a mistake as a father. When I was working 80, 90, 100 hours a week and even when I was going to the kids activities such as baseball and dance. I always had my blackberry in hand typing away or my Bluetooth headset in my ear talking to a client. Success was making money and the more you made the more successful you were! I think I may have taught my kids that this is the only success there is.

"You have achieved success if you have lived well, laughed often and loved much." Unknown.

Now I share with you the good things I did this week only in hopes it will inspire.

Pumped gas for elderly lady when it was very cold

Helped a mother with a baby put her groceries in the car

Scrapped the ice off a car for lady in a business suit

Cleaned 16 drive ways over a week’s time including 8 on Christmas

Disconnected a neighbors smoke detectors that were going off

Paid for a guys coke at the quick trip

Took cookies to my parents

Bought a gift for my son-

Bought a gift for my wife

Bought a gift for my daughter

Helped a friend with his business

Helped get a car out of a snow drift

Cleaned of my cousins car

Called a old friend

Mailed a letter to relative that cannot get out

Sent a couple of old pictures to friend by email

Stopped a stranger in the gym and said something nice to them

Gave 10 Free pizza to a medical office

Tipped a waitress 30% and then went and found her manager and told him how much I enjoyed her exceptional service. Which I did!

Washed a ladies car for her at the car wash and had her get back in her car.

Each time I bought a coke at Mc Donald’s threw my change in the change for Mc Donald House.

Next week it is going to get harder and I bet I have to do some of the same things. But my goal is to do two good things for people I care about and two good things for strangers each day. My long term goal is that I don’t only want to be remembering as a successful salesman & business man. I want to be remembered as being a good father, husband, and friend.

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