Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's not Mastercard but it is priceless to me...

Everyone should have their bucket list but just important should be their list that identifies who they are. 

1. The silver bracelet I wear on my wrist.  Bought it in Colorado after finishing my Lyme Treatment and Perry(Atronic) Firing me.  But it does not remind me of that pain and hurt but that it was actually the beginning of a new beginning.   I thought I was happy working 100 hours and making good money.  I never paid attention to what it was doing to me and more importantly to my family.  The Lyme/migraines has forced me to slow down.  Now I feel I am now my old self and can be a father, husband, friend and neighbor.   Sure, I hate not having my health but I think I have done more good in the past few years then I did in the past 20.  So, that is what the bracelet means to me.  The two golden rules.  The man with the golden makes the rules- that are the one I lived by when I was killing myself for no reason at Atronic and thought I was "family."   AND the really golden rule.  Do on to others as you would have them do onto you.

2. The cross I where around my neck.  It reminds me that I am a man of faith and not religion.  That God hears Amen where ever I am.

3. My pictures, they document all that matters to me, my life, my children, my family and our adventures.

4. There is a black marble in my desk. It was given to me by Albert when I started my college career in the Alpha Delta house. Those were some of the best times of my life that made me grow up the most.

5. The silver Kennedy half dollars- my only grandpa, Grandpa Dale would bring them to me as a child in his front shirt pocket.  I still can smell the princess Albert pipe smoke and old spice cologne.   We only had 8 years together but he taught me a lifetime of how to be a man. 

6. My black baseball glove.   I have had it throughout my son's early years of baseball and played catch with him during his young baseball career.  It was bought for me by my father and I never owned a good baseball glove tell this one.   Coaching my son and the other boys was one of my highlights as a dad.

7. My daughter's presents- for the most part they are in the bottom of my night stand.  Most she made, all are priceless, and none are forgotten. 

8. My dog's, I was blessed to have Sadie, She was there when I came home, sat with me during the pain of headaches, never argued with me, never asked for nothing.   I miss you so much.   Now there is Jill, She is with me constantly, follows me like a shadow, and talks to me in the middle of the night when we listen to the kids sleep.  Gives great advice and never wants the remote.

9. My Bible, my Grandma Carriager gave it to me when I was confirmed.   She always said two things to me when she was alive.  "It was a great life if you don't weaken."   And  the always famous  "God, will not close a door, without opening a window."

10. My fishing rods, I was truly blessed to have a Great Aunt Dorothy,  She was a mix between Kathrin Hepburn and John Wayne with a "shit fire save matches", Kansas home grown, in the dirt, philosophy.    Her advices were simply but sound, "You ain't hurt there is no bone."  "Stop doing that  you're going to get a scab."    "Shut your mouth unless you walked in his shoes."   I spent many a late night just sitting in the summer air at Bull Shoals listening to stories catching catfish tell 3 a.m. with her.   What I would not do to my kids know her.

11. Janelle's Scent- when she wakes up in the morning and takes a shower before me and leaves the bedroom/bathroom.  I often like to just stop and close my eyes and take in the scent of Janelle.   I am not sure what it is but it is unique as I am sure it is with every women.  The right mix of perfume, body lotion, even hair products.   But it drives me crazy.   She can be gone for hours and I still could track her like a blood hound looking for dinner.

12. My pocket knives- I have one from my Grandpa Dale, one from HR when he got married, a couple of dozen that I have carried for weeks, to months, to years.   It was just something I picked up from my Grandfather and my Uncle Adam and have never been without.  In fact, I carry a pocket knife with me everywhere.  Except to the shower.

13.  My Hallmark Pens- I have the pen I was given in 1980 when I graduated from High School.  I used it at Atronic and wrote 98 percent of all my sales contracts with it. Which means I made a crap load of money for Perry and us with it?  I have the pen that Grandpa Walt used while he worked at Hallmark tell he retired.  I have the 25 year pen that they gave all employees including me since I worked there then.   I owe Hallmark a lot.  They gave me a job during my high school years and college.  They took care of my dad when he was sick and he stayed with them for 40 plus years.  When companies did the right thing and employees knew they would be cared for...regardless.   They help teach me quality, loyalty and hard work.  I can only give them 10% of the credit though because the 0ther 90% goes to my parents.   

14. My pocket watch- New Years Eve Janelle gave it to me and I would not trade it for all the tea in China.   It was truly a gift of love.

15.My Wedding Ring- the best for last, it signifies all the best, my vows I made to Janelle, to God, for better or worse, sickness and heath, tell death do us part.  It is a symbol of my hopelessly, passionate love for Janelle.  It is the very foundation of my core beliefs- love, honor, and friendship, keeping your word, trust, and passion.  

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