Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Resentment is running through my veins as I continue to think of the betrayal of what I thought was a good friend and once business partner.   I resent that I was a driving force in company but when I began to stumble with sickness it easier to cast me aside than it was to help me.   I resent that I gave more dedication and time to my company and career than I did to my young children and wife.   I resent that I am still fighting daily headaches and that I thought when I was told that I had a job for life that meant regardless.   I resent that I build the company from what was a trust fund hobby to a multimillion dollar company and then someone else gains the benefit.   I resent greed, selfishness, and liars.

I appreciate that I was given the opportunity to prove myself right out of college. That I was given the freedom and time to learn my profession, that I was able to make a very respectful income during the second half of my career which gave my family security.    I appreciated the people I worked with, specially the office help and installers.  They often were overlooked, ignored, and did not get their share of recognition.  I appreciated that I was given much lead way in creating and developing a successful, low budget marketing campaign.   That I further was able to instill my beliefs of quality and value on the company and its services.     Now realizing that I paid deeply with my health and that all my skills and efforts were often not acknowledged.  I truly was appreciative of all the customers, friends, and clients that I helped over the years. The relationships I developed with Realtors, Agents, and custom home builders.    I hope they know I was truly not selling them but trying to help them get the peace of mind and quality that they had asked for, being very grateful that many of them paid me the highest complement and repeated business with me over twenty plus years.


I regret that I was so blinded by my loyalty and trust that I did not want to see how misuse.  Not to mention that I regret that staff and installers were taken advantage of while others continued to perform poorly.   It is very regretful that I did not speak when the company continued to hire or even rehired people that were not qualified or that had behavior that was not becoming of a good business.   I regret that I that I thought I was family and not just an instrument of the corporation. Much like a battered wife, I was the last to see the truth.   I regret that I did speak up when management frequently lied to customers and employees both. I still think it is important to be truthful and honest.   I regret that when ownership went behind my back, taking a very hard worked client, that I did not run from the building to start my own company.   If I had not stood up and battled back I might still have my job today.   I now realize it is not always best to battle and not always best to bring the flaws of management to the owners attention.   You see, sometimes the owner does not want to know.  It is much easier to ignore than it is to take a proactive approach.  I regret that I left income behind when I was fired.  That I gave up the battle to gain peace.   Consumed with disbelief and poor health I thought everything would work out.   I regret that I took a man’s word and handshake as a binding contract.

I say these things now not to be vengeful or mean. In fact, I believe there is no need for me to be vengeful.  Since those who did wrong will someday gets what they deserve without me lifting a finger.   It is my sacred belief that what goes around does come around.    My story is unfortunately, yet it is not uncommon in the world of greed and corporate America and though we I cannot change the world by telling our story just maybe someone will benefit from hearing it. I do hope that others will learn from it and hopefully avoid the same outcome.  I close with the Serenity Prayer.   “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.” 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lyme Disease

I want to share another link.

It is my story about lyme disease. I want to share it not for pitty but to help others.
Recently, the Johnson County Sun Newspaper wrote several great articles on Lyme and how it is becomming an epidemic in Johnson County.
I wrote the author and the editor and reporter both contacted me. Hopefully, I can help someone else.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Is paying it forward a fad?

It seems that you hear the phrase "paying it forward" on the news much more since the economy has been circling the drain.   Why can't it be a life choice and we do it whether we are doing good or not so good.  
I hope I am wrong but often wonder if the "media" is jumping on the pay it forward movement just to get ratings.   Let's pray I am wrong and they are just trying to shine a little sunshine in this world of constant POO. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Confessions of an Alarm Dealer

Confessions of a Security Dealer

What Security companies do not want you to know?

1.       Your barber may have more regulations than your security installer.

That’s right many states don’t even require security companies to have a license, drug test, back ground check before they hire staff and installers. So, the person that cuts your hair has more state regulations and guidelines than your security dealer.   Legitimate dealers and alarm associations are self-regulating themselves and lobbying for standard guidelines nationwide.

Just because they say they are “background” checked does not mean they are.  It is a known practice of some dealers to do the minimum background check and to not do any drug testing.  Often the practice is to reduce cost as well as since skilled installers are often in short supply that a dealer has the unwritten policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”  


2.       Your installer may not be an employee of the company that sold you the system.

It is a common practice to hire a “subcontractor” to install the system.  Many subcontractors are self-employed and provide their own tools, vehicles, etc.   They can be compensated in two ways.  The first is the most common and the most hazardous in which an alarm company offers the installer a flat fee for installing the system.   For example, let’s say $200 for the installation of the system.   Although there are great subcontractors out there many have the philosophy that if it takes them 2 hours to install it. They made $100 per hour. Where as if it takes them 10 hours to install the system they made $20 hour, guess which one they choose the most often?

The other form is where a subcontractor is paid an hourly rate.  This practice is considered a cost saving practice that is often passed along in the sale.


3.       You may not own the system.

Many security companies, most national companies require a lengthy monitoring contract to be fulfilled before they will release the equipment to you.  To protect their investment in you they “electronically” lock the system so it cannot be programmed by any other company.  Also, read the fine print and see all the protection they have built into their contracts.   Don’t be fooled by local alarm providers saying they can be monitored by any security provider.  Although they may say it they often still use proprietary equipment and have “dealer” codes that have to be reprogrammed before the system can be serviced or monitored by others.


4.       The control panel or “brains” of the system is often installed next to the electrical panel.

Installers love to install next to the electrical panel since there is often a GFI outlet there and the phone lines come into the property at that location.  Burglars know this also.  So, they check out a property first and find the electrical meter on the home and then when they enter they go right to the “brains” and literally destroy it or just cut the wires.   A great security designer will continually move the alarm panels around on his designs.   This is often an irritation between the designer and the installer but is an additional level of security.  Inconsistency is security when others are predictably consistent.




5.       If you smash your “brains” your systems does not work.

“If I cut your head off will the rest of your body work?”   Nope!   “If I cut your arm off you will not like it at all but you can still function.” Right.  


6.       If you phone line is cut or down the system does NOT notify anyone including authorities.

Burglars don’t even have to cut the phone lines.  They just open the phone interface box and unplug the phone line.   If the box cannot be found, maybe you thought you’d out smart them and have it installed below ground.   They will just go to the phone “post” on the street and disabled it there.   


7.       If you invest in a phone back up, if the brains are damaged first the phone back up may not work.

That is right to reduce cost and the sales point the security company does not install a protective cabinet or a battery back-up.   Thus the phone back-up is exposed, often very near the “brains” and without its own battery back-up.   So, the battery back-up that is for the alarm panel itself is also the phone back-up.


8.       If you have digital phones in your home (often provided by a cable provider) then your alarm signals may not get through to the central station.

When you consider digital phone lines consider that your alarm panel is basically a modem that when the alarm goes “off” the modem dials out.   Digital phone lines prevent you from having a modem, or fax.  


9.       Most alarm providers DON’T monitor their own clients.

Many, but not all alarm companies monitor through a central station provider.  There are many types of central stations.   Questions to ask, is it local?  UL listed?  Who owns it?  Can I walk in and see it? 


10.   Not all monitoring is the same.

Many companies monitoring only “alarm activity” that is when the alarm goes off they activity is sent to the central station.  So, if there is no activity then you might be paying for service that you’re not getting.  For example, you sign up for monitoring, a month later, you change phone service but don’t test your alarm system.  Six months later the alarm goes off and no one called? You call them and ask why they have been charging you?  Answer you got what you paid for.

Other security providers offer alarm activity that “test” and reduces false alarms.   Make sure if you subscribe to such a company that they do contact you when you have an alarm.  Regardless if it is false or not.  If they don’t contact you the next day with a follow up then you’re paying for a service that you’re not getting.


11.   You can self monitor your alarm.

This is often not mention since alarm companies don’t make any revenue.  However, there are several alarm panels on the market that have the ability to text, email, and even phone a recorded message to you.   Note it is not legal to have an electronic device call 911 or the Police Station.


12.   99.5 percent of all alarms are FALSE.

The biggest false alarm is the end user causing their own false alarms; not knowing the code, password, or even not locking a door or window is a common false alarm.   Another reason for false alarms is quality of equipment and design.   Not all equipment is the same, for example, door contact can be installed in many different ways.  Using an oversized, embedded magnetic door contact often reduces false alarm potential drastically as well as enhances longevity if done properly.


13.   Often an “installers” code is installed so the alarm company can access the system through the backdoor.   This code is known throughout the company, if not the local industry, since it is often not changed.

In over 20 years of selling, designing and installing security I have seen companies not only use the same “installers” code but the same key to lock the metal alarm cabinets.


14.   Duress alarm codes are often also constant throughout a company and/or alarm panels.

Depending on the manufacture and the alarm provider the duress code is often pre-determine and is the same from property to property. 


15.   Monitoring over the INTERNET?

There are modules and alarm panels that have the ability to monitor an alarm panel over Internet Provider Service.   There are pro’s and con’s to this type of service.  Pro’s is it is instant. Con’s is it is often as reliable as the Internet Provider and these providers typically take their systems “offline” in the night hours to install upgrades and provide service.   Another con is that the central station has no way of confirming by land line if the alarm is false or not.  Thus, false alarm risk can increase.


16.   New construction installations are less expensive than retro fitting an alarm.

Often that is not the case at all.   The equipment costs are the same regardless of whether it is new construction or an existing property.     Labor can be more intense in a retrofit installation however it is typically about the same since in new construction you have repeated trips to the property to complete the system.  


17.   Pre-wiring a new construction property is a cost savings.

Without being a contradiction to the last question.  There are some benefits and savings to new constructions in the form that a security dealer can pre-wire your property for future

Technologies.  As well as placement of devices is more flexible.


18.   The cost of an alarm system is $199.00

According to the industries own trade journals and publications the average alarm system is about 15 devices and has a cost of about $1890.00


19.   You don’t need all those zones.

A sales person will tell you “you don’t need all those zones.”  A zone for this purpose is a security device such as a door, window, or detector.   To avoid service, false alarms, and/or maintenance troubles if every device has its own zone then the problem can be corrected or isolated.  Not to mention if in the event of an alarm you know exactly where the point of intrusion is!


20.   Wireless security is as good as hardwired security.

Often security providers offer wireless security devices since it requires less skilled labor to install and can be installed faster.   It does require a battery to be replaced frequently and is also more obtrusive and easier to vandalize/tamper with.  Hardwired security when done properly the wires are all hidden within the walls and can be wired so if tampered with the alarm panel will indicated a trouble condition.   Not to mention that hardwired is more esthetically satisfying and has increase longevity.


About the author:


Former Vice President and stock holder of Atronic Alarms Inc. in Overland Park, Kansas, John D. Erickson has designed, installed, sold, and  managed over 10,000 security, fire and home automation system in his twenty plus year career. 


John’s love for technology and passion for customer service had made him a natural fit for a growing security industry.   He continues today using his gifts of urgency, vision, and quality to help others protect the things they cannot replace.