Friday, October 31, 2008

My rainbow maybe faded but it is not gone

Yes, that is right. These past several years have been “not good.” Lately my health has been a struggle. My family has paid the price. However, I warn you if your rainbow is faded a little not to say something foolish like, “it can’t get any worse.” Because it sure can reach up and bite you even harder if you are not watching.
This past weekend, Jesse, my favorite son, was confirmed in our church. The Pastor during his sermon said something similar to this; that during a person’s life they will have plenty of times where life gives you a bite in the bottom. He continued by saying don’t think it will not happen to you, expect it, and know that it will raise up often during life and not to dwell on it but to expect it. The Pastor was not trying to share the negatives in life during his sermon but about life’s pitfalls and he was merely reminding the newly confirmed to keep the faith and to find strength in family and friends.
I am not certain how much of it sunk into Jesse’s head. However, I know that it made a big impact on me. In some ways all the “crap” that has happens to me and my family has made me a better person. I have learned to be more patient, hopefully to be a better person, husband, father, and son. My life has truly been blessed; I have good family and friends, a HOT, HOT, wife, and even a mother-in-law that I love.
So, I hope this helps. Remember when things are not going well that it is not that your rainbow is gone, it is just faded. Since the sermon I have not had a headache free day, received more pitfalls, but am trying to look at is if my rainbow is not gone, just faded.

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