Saturday, December 13, 2008

Need to spread the word

I am struggling with getting the word out there. Dam I know we are all busy. Today I helped wash a strangers car. I also told a person that there eye looked like they were seemed to me that they needed someone to say something nice.

Yesterday I was at the grocery store and gave the bell ringer my coupon money.

Please share you ideas and good deeds. Help change the POO storm from rainning more POO.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Six Degrees for Seven Good Deeds

The Experiment-The Challenge

Changing the POO Storm

Everyone knows the Kevin Bacon Six Degrees of Separation and how it works.   Whether in your personal or professional life it seems to work and the more you meet people the more often you find out that you know someone in common.  


I am no historian but I am wondering that if we looked at many of the great civilizations before ours and why they failed if we would not see a lot of same problems that face our world today.    It was George Santayana that said, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”     Does it not seem like everywhere you turn there is yet another “unhappy, negative, sky-is-falling” story to keep us down?

  Oprah called it “random acts of kindness” and Hollywood made a very famous movie that again called it “Paying it forward.”    Actually it does not matter what you call it but rather that you do it. 


  Here is the idea; everyone knows the Six Degrees of Separation and how it works so let’s take it one step further and add “for seven good deeds.”    If we all set a goal to do one, simple, good deed a day for a stranger that in time you will find that a stranger will end up doing a good deed for you.  Hence the Six Degrees of Separation for Seven Good Deeds or better the bigger our world gets the smaller it will become.    This will work for both your professional and personal life.   We will improve our world, our economy, our neighborhoods, ourselves.  


Even if you don’t ever have a stranger show up to do you that good deed it will still have such positive effect that what do you have to lose.   Try it in your professional and personal life both!    Now be creative, the deeds do not have to cost a lot of money or be time consuming they might be as simple as carrying someone’s groceries, give a strong referral, or opening a door.  


This BLOG has been created not for us to express our political agenda’s or religious views.    However, please share your good deed that you have done in hopes that it will inspire others.   If you had a good deed done for you…share that.   Let’s not just sit and wait for our leaders to “bail” us out.  We can take the “Poo Storm” of negativity that we continually hear daily and turn it around one good deed at a time into something better.








Sunday, November 2, 2008


Since I have been sick I have a new appreciation for simple things. It may sound funny but I think that my illness may have increased and even improved my life in some ways. Sure, I don't feel good, so I have to try harder to find ways to feel better.

Being goal driven I turned my strength into positive and wrote some new goals. One of the first was that I was going to do something nice for two people today. Just random kindness, often a stranger. Sometimes a neighbor or friend but always at least two a day.

Sounds hard, not really! It can be as simple as helping someone load their groceries, or open the door for them. I find that the days I do more than 2 nice, random acts of kindness the health seems better. Maybe it is all in my head but hey I will take anything I can get.

Friday, October 31, 2008

My rainbow maybe faded but it is not gone

Yes, that is right. These past several years have been “not good.” Lately my health has been a struggle. My family has paid the price. However, I warn you if your rainbow is faded a little not to say something foolish like, “it can’t get any worse.” Because it sure can reach up and bite you even harder if you are not watching.
This past weekend, Jesse, my favorite son, was confirmed in our church. The Pastor during his sermon said something similar to this; that during a person’s life they will have plenty of times where life gives you a bite in the bottom. He continued by saying don’t think it will not happen to you, expect it, and know that it will raise up often during life and not to dwell on it but to expect it. The Pastor was not trying to share the negatives in life during his sermon but about life’s pitfalls and he was merely reminding the newly confirmed to keep the faith and to find strength in family and friends.
I am not certain how much of it sunk into Jesse’s head. However, I know that it made a big impact on me. In some ways all the “crap” that has happens to me and my family has made me a better person. I have learned to be more patient, hopefully to be a better person, husband, father, and son. My life has truly been blessed; I have good family and friends, a HOT, HOT, wife, and even a mother-in-law that I love.
So, I hope this helps. Remember when things are not going well that it is not that your rainbow is gone, it is just faded. Since the sermon I have not had a headache free day, received more pitfalls, but am trying to look at is if my rainbow is not gone, just faded.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have for nearly 25 years now written goals that I wish to accomplish in both my personal and professional life. I review the goals every few days.

This morning I was reviewing them and added one. Do TWO RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS each day. Today, I helped a lady with her groceriers while it was raining and bought a coke for the guy that was standing behind me at Quick Trip.

I share this only in hopes that it will inspire you to also "pay it forward."

Saturday, September 6, 2008



I am sharing this story to hope that you will find it beneficial.

I was in Chicago.   My family was visiting Lincoln Park Zoo.   Because of my illness I often need to rest and was resting while my family was enjoying the zoo.   Since being sick I have found that I have taken the time to listen to the wind in the trees, notice people, and even robin search for food.

I noticed an older man, taping a cane in the center of a large open area.  He would tap a few times and then turn 30 degrees and stand there and then tap again.  He continued to do this several times going in full circle several times. Due to the cane it was obvious that he was blind.   People kept walking by him and even bumping into him and his cane.   You could see the confusion and frustration on his face.

I final had watched long enough that I decided to get involved. It is difficult to know if you are to help a disabled person due to the fact that it may be an insult to them and their independent is you help. 

I approached slowly and asked if I could help.  He thanked me and said I cannot believe that someone would not help me.  He said he had been trying to find the entrance and then the bus stop.  I asked if I could help him to the bus stop.  He said, "yes, and said let me hold onto your left arm."  We walked to the entrance of the Zoo and then on to the bus stop as we talked, he asked, “What happen to people helping each other?”   I was not sure how to answer.

He told me "god will smile on you for your kindness." and we went our own way.

I hope this story helps and people will take the time to see what is going on around them and when a fellow person needs some help that they will not be afraid to...GET INVOLVED. 


I decided to start this blog for two reasons to help me heal and to also help others.  I have been sick for 12 years; two years ago I was diagnosis with Chronic Lyme Disease and have daily headaches and frequent migraines. 

I had worked for Perry Atha who owned Atronic Alarms, Inc.  I was given some ownership due to the fact that I was his first employee and was a substantial contributor to the growth of the company.

I was told when I sold my ownership to help offset expenses that I would have a job for as long as I wanted it.  Perry gave me his word and shook my hand.   I believe his exact words to me were, “you have a job as long as you want it.”

I believed him since I had known him for 23 years and the only person that knew him better was probably his wife. 

I took 4 months off to take an aggressive treatment for the Lyme. I was "disabled" by my doctor’s recommendations.  Right before that Perry moved the company into a new building where I was involved in some of the decisions but knew we had too much overhead and needed to look at expense.  Of course, there was conflict since companies Atronic Alarms size in the same industry had 25% less staffing doing more per client then Atronic did.

Perry had also expressed to me that both his sons were interested in joining the business which due to their lifestyle meant that they would need company vehicles, and substantial incomes.

So Yes, I did question many of the business expenses and decisions as an employee, Vice President, and stock holder.   My input was often overlooked.  Ironically, since my firing much of the input has been implemented. 

I was planning on going back to work at the beginning of June.  I was sent a registered letter on May 26th and it indicated I was fired.

I have been destroyed and shocked.  I have had others not keep their word but I was shocked since Perry and I were like brothers so I thought.  Being told that I was “like family” was what I needed to hear.  I forgot I was not family.

What happen to doing the right thing?   I feel that many of us have forgotten what is right?