Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Three dollars of gas and how it changed both of our days.

This past Wednesday I was at getting gas when I noticed a very young girl not much older than my daughter and she was perplexed. I saw her put 2 may 3 dollars in her gas tank. I final spoke to her and asked does 3 dollars get you where you need to go. She replied, " I have lost a twenty dollar bill while walking into the Quick Trip. Someone must have picked it up." She had lost the rest of her money in the parking lot and when she asked the clerk they said no one had turned in the money.  Now I could stop right there and ask the question, why didn't the person finding the twenty dollars turn it in.   

However, I feel there is a bigger story to share.  I had not finished filling up my own vehicle so I decided to walk the pump line over to her car and put in about fifteen dollars.   

Now I am not telling you this to get a pat on the back but how something as small as fifteen dollars of gas can change a persons day.  Surprisingly, it changed both of our days.  I left feeling like I had once again paid it forward.  I know she left feeling relieved and wondering why a stranger help her.  

Our parting words were exchanging names,  ironically her name was Amber the same as one of my dearest nieces.  She thanked me and said she would make sure to pay it forward herself. 

That is the real story here.